Plastic garden mesh is a soft, lightweight, UV-stabilized, and durable material that can be used for a wide variety of applications. It can be used for fencing, screening, and general plant protection. These can include protecting an existing garden, planting a vegetable garden, and dividing a lawn or garden area.
In addition to its many uses, plastic mesh can also be used for a variety of decorative purposes. These can be applied to create a fence for a home, to keep birds from interfering with your crops, to protect a road or walkway, and to create a boundary between a historical dig and the surrounding landscape.
Plastic netting can also be used as a bird net. This is an inexpensive way to help protect your vegetables and fruits from unwanted insects. The netting is easy to install and can be cut to the desired size. You can install it in rows to form a protective cage. For extra safety, you can attach it to posts with cable ties.
A plastic tarp is a sturdy, weatherproof material that can be used to protect plants from birds. The material is made from polyethylene and is UV-resistant. There are several types of tarps that are available. They come in various colors, so you can choose the right one for your needs. Some of the most popular colors are dark brown, gray, and white. Other colors are black or green.
Another type of mesh is a cloche, which is a dome-shaped cover that can protect plants from animals and insects. A cloche can be constructed from chicken wire or other materials. Using a cloche will prevent wildlife from nibbling your plants, keeping your crops healthy and ensuring that you get the fruits you've worked hard for.
Another type of mesh is a heavy-duty plastic fence. Unlike the lighter-weight netting, this type of plastic fencing is extremely durable and stable. Because it is so strong, it can be used in gardens, landscaping, and even for farm fences.
One other type of plastic netting is knitted, which is softer and more lightweight than other kinds. Knitted plastic netting is also easy to install. Compared to metal wire mesh, the knitted material is more cost-effective and can be cut to fit any garden need.
Plastic trellis mesh has been around for a long time. It can be used to support plants, including ivy, climbing roses, and honeysuckle. Climbing vines require a strong support system, and a trellis can provide that. Since the mesh is so economical, it can be reused many times over.
Plastic mesh is lightweight, rot-resistant, and has excellent UV resistance. It is ideal for a variety of domestic and industrial uses, and is completely recyclable. Extruded plastic mesh is also a very strong product. While it is commonly used for gardening applications, it is also perfect for animal fencing, windbreaks, and screen walls.

This durable and rigid plastic square mesh is also called as multi-purposed fence and garden fence, it is widely used in the home, commercial businesses and farm areas with its good performance of none-splinters, smooth edges and anti-rust.
It is easy to install a screen for flower or vegetable gardens, a trellis for climbing flowers or plants, a termporary fence for newly planted shrubs and trees, or a compost bin.