Plastic garden mesh is a versatile material that is ideal for a variety of uses. It is a durable choice for outdoor use, as it is UV, water, and rot resistant. Furthermore, it is lightweight, easy to handle, and convenient to install. As such, it is ideal for multiple domestic and industrial applications.
Plastic garden mesh is available in various roll sizes and mesh hole sizes. You can choose from hexagonal, rectangular, and square mesh apertures. You can also choose from green or brown mesh. The size you need depends on the desired use.
Another great use for plastic mesh is for providing shade to plants. Tight-mesh plastic netting can protect plants that are sensitive to heat. Make sure to stake your plants, and then drape your mesh over them. This way, you can enjoy the shade of a plastic trellis while maintaining the beauty of your garden.
In addition to providing protection for plants, vegetables, and flowers, plastic mesh can also be used to keep unwanted animals out of your garden. Plastic garden mesh is often used in garden fences for a variety of purposes, including poultry production. The material is lightweight and easy to handle and is also more economical than wire.
In addition to protecting your plants, plastic garden mesh is also a good choice for temporary fencing. Its strong UV resistance makes it a suitable choice for a variety of uses. In the garden, it can be used as a temporary fence, a protective barrier, or a border for flowers and vegetables.

This durable and rigid plastic square mesh is also called as multi-purposed fence and garden fence, it is widely used in the home, commercial businesses and farm areas with its good performance of none-splinters, smooth edges and anti-rust.
It is easy to install a screen for flower or vegetable gardens, a trellis for climbing flowers or plants, a termporary fence for newly planted shrubs and trees, or a compost bin.