1. Predator Protection: Plastic poultry netting constitutes a physical barrier that deters predators such as foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey from approaching poultry. Its design and construction make it difficult for animals to tear or run over, providing reliable protection. This protection is especially important given the variety of threats at night and during the day.
To understand this better, let's consider a common situation: nocturnal predators. Foxes and other nocturnal predators may show up at night to try to invade the coop. Plastic poultry netting can effectively deter them because its density and construction make it impossible for animals to penetrate. On the contrary, traditional barbed wire can be scratched or destroyed, leaving an Achilles' heel.
2. Reduced Risk of Injury: Traditional wire fencing can sometimes cause injury to poultry if they get caught in sharp edges or openings. Plastic poultry nets are designed to be smoother and safer, reducing the risk of poultry injuries.
The practical implications of this can be clearly seen in everyday life. Traditional wire fencing can have sharp edges and protrusions that can cause serious injury if birds get caught or bruised. However, plastic poultry netting is generally designed to be smoother to minimize these injuries.
3. Durability: High-quality plastic poultry netting is designed to resist harsh weather conditions, including UV rays and moisture. This durability ensures that your poultry will remain safe and secure year-round.
Given the weather, traditional barbed wire can rust or corrode over time. This corrosion not only affects the appearance of the mesh, but may also affect its function. In contrast, plastic poultry netting is not subject to this type of damage and therefore provides effective protection for a longer period of time.
4. Easy installation: Plastic poultry netting is usually lightweight and easy to install, making it a convenient choice for farmers. Its flexibility allows you to adapt it to different enclosures and shapes, providing a safe environment for your poultry.
This is very important, especially for farmers who need to change or reconfigure poultry pens frequently. Whether you need to change the area where your poultry are kept in different seasons, or you need to redesign your fencing according to new farming needs, plastic poultry netting can easily meet these needs.
5. Maintenance: The maintenance cost of plastic poultry netting is lower. Unlike traditional barbed wire, it will not rust or corrode over time. This means less effort and expense on your part when it comes to maintaining your poultry fencing.
6. Personalization: You can find plastic poultry netting in different sizes and mesh configurations, enabling you to customize it to your needs. Whether you keep chickens, ducks or other poultry, you can choose the mesh that is best for your birds.
7. Economical: While the initial cost may be slightly higher than barbed wire, the long-term benefits and lower maintenance costs make plastic poultry netting an economical choice for enhancing your poultry safety.
Hexagonal mesh
Hexagonal mesh
Hexagonal mesh is mainly called as poultry net, widely used in caging poultry and isolating the other animals or farm areas.
Also it can be used between railings and split the rail fence.
With no sharp edges, it is easy to intall and take down without danger.